Author Archives: T.T

Memorial Day

Went to progunvegas to have some fun for Memorial Day. I got to shoot my stuff with suppressors and rented a full auto AK. good times =)  

Ventura County CCL

Ventura County CCL process is better than ever with Permitium. If you live in Ventura County and want to get CCL  use the link below

IDPA match on Fathers day weekend

I brought some first timer to a local IDPA match. Everyone had fun and will probably do it again next month. I encourage everyone to go out there and give it a try. Local competition will make you a better shooter

Training in Vegas Memorial Day weekend

  Did some training with friends from AZ in Boulder City at over the weekend. I was testing out my AR15 chambered in 762×39(AK ammo). Works great. I recommend this setup to everyone who dont want to pay for high price 223/556 ammo. 762 steel ammo is alot cheaper to shoot and this setup […]

Happy Easter !

Went to the range over the weekend. I brought out some frangible ammo I purchased three years ago to test on steel targets. Check the video below